Product Information

: Agri-Materials
Product Name
AF Earthworm Breed

: Junlen
: Oukakob village, Kraing Lvea commune, Samaky Meanchey district, Kampong Chhnang province
supply period
: Whole Year
: 10$/1kg
Name​ of Supplier Representative
: CHHOUN Virakratha
: 085 24 40 32/096 68 083
Email Address

Shipping:Free Delivery in phom phenh

Short Description:This species is a worm used in the curing industry. The specialty is that it consumes only organic waste, such as cow manure, cocoa, vegetables. And being of African origin, the color is blue, purple, big, long body, has lots of children, does not spend much time with it and is easy to raise. Especially farmers who raise cows should turn to more worms to use cow manure completely and can produce their own compost and grow grass for more cattle.