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Ornamental Plants(5)
PriceCrafted 6000 Riel/plant and Nursery 4000 Riel/plant
Not Available in English.
Price60000 Riel/plant
Gardens with diversified varieties of evergreen trees, shrubs, and blooming flow
Pricefrom 01-2000 USD
Succulents are small and adorable plants, which could be used for indoor and out
PriceFrom 1-10 USD
Growing indoor plants as part of interior design is becoming popular in recent y
Pricefrom 01-100 USD
Ornamental Plants(5)
PriceCrafted 6000 Riel/plant and Nursery 4000 Riel/plant
Not Available in English.
Price60000 Riel/plant
Gardens with diversified varieties of evergreen trees, shrubs, and blooming flow
Pricefrom 01-2000 USD
Succulents are small and adorable plants, which could be used for indoor and out
PriceFrom 1-10 USD
Growing indoor plants as part of interior design is becoming popular in recent y
Pricefrom 01-100 USD